Coronavirus and Vaping: Can Exhaled Vapour Transmit the Virus?

“Public Health England’s 2018 independent evidence review found that to date, there have been no identified health risks of passive vaping to bystanders,” said Director of Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs at Public Health England, Rosanna O’Connor. “There is currently no evidence that coronavirus can be caught from exposure to e-cigarette vapour.”

Meanwhile, the UKVIA, the largest trade body representing the vaping sector in the UK, is calling for an end to publishing misinformation about vaping. It commended the PHE’s recent report: “Vaping in England: 2020 Evidence Update Summary” which points our that “false fears” about vaping are preventing many smokers from quitting by switching to vaping – something that the PHE itself has long endorsed.

This review is the PHE’s sixth independent e-cigarette report, commissioned from researchers at King’s College London. It highlights that despite the alarmist media headlines and unfounded fears, more former smokers have made the switch from cigarettes to vaping products and that youth uptake remains relatively low.






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